CliquePercolation 0.4.0 (2022-11-09)
- cpThreshold now also includes the calculation of fuzzy modularity for weighted and signed networks
- added functions FuzzyMod and SignedFuzzyMod
- added citation information
- updated vignette
CliquePercolation 0.3.0 (2021-05-29)
- changes to cpColoredGraph()
- new argument own.colors allows to specify colors for communities or sets
- new argument avoid.repeated.mixed.colors allows to avoid that mixed communities are assigned the same color
- fixed a bug that produced an error message when there was only one pure community
- changes to cpCommunitySizeDistribution
- new argument for testing fit of power-law distribution
- cpAlgorithm, cpThreshold, and cpPermuteEntropy allow a symmetric square matrix as input next to a qgraph object
- cpPermuteEntropy allows using parallel computing to speed up calculation
- new error messages in cpCommunityGraph, cpPermuteEntropy, and cpThreshold
- extension of the package vignette
- added two data sets, Obama and immuno
- cpColoredGraph, cpCommunitySizeDistribution, and cpCommunityGraph now return information beyond the plots invisibly
- added print functions for cpAlgorithm and cpPermuteEntropy and summary function for cpAlgorithm
- added package loading message to point out the vignette
CliquePercolation 0.2.0 (2019-10-28)
- first version submitted to CRAN